Aufbau Principle

By Rajat Shukla |Updated : October 17th, 2016

Many electron atoms


Aufbau principle

In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in order of their increasing energies.

Aufbau principle

(n +l) Rule

If ‘n’ is same, then orbital having greater n+l has greater energy. And if n+l is same then obital having greater n has greater energy.

Illustration of (n +l) Rule:


Pauli Exclusion Principle

No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers. Pauli exclusion principle can also be stated as: “Only two electrons may exist in the same orbital and these electrons must have opposite spin.”

Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity

Pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging to the same subshell (p, d or f) does not take place until each orbital belonging to that subshell has got one electron each i.e., it is singly occupied. It has been observed that half-filled and fully filled degenerate set of orbitals acquire extra stability due to their symmetry.



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