Crop Water Requirements - A Detailed Notes for Irrigation Engineering

By Vishwajeet Sinha|Updated : January 7th, 2017

Water requirement of crops

Soil moisture

Classes and availability of soil water

Water present in the soil may be to classified under three heads

  1. Hygroscopic water
  2. Capillary water
  3. Gravitational water



(1) Available moisture for the plant byjusexamprep





(2) Readily available moisture for the plant = FC - Mo

Here FC = field capacity

φ = wilting point or wilting coefficient below plant can’t survive.

Mo = Readily available moisture content

(3) Frequency of Irrigation


(4) byjusexamprep where, weight of water stored in soil of unit area byjusexamprep

Weight of some soil of unit area byjusexamprep

dw = depth of water stored in root zone.

(5) byjusexamprep dry unit wt. of soil

(6) Available moisture depth to plant


(7) Readily available moisture depth to plant


(8) byjusexamprep where, G = specific gravity and n = porosity

Duty and delta

Duty: The duty of water is the relationship between the volume of water and the area of the crop it is defined as the area irrigated per cumec of discharge running for base period B. the duty is generally represent by D.

Delta: it is the total depth of water required by a crop during the entire base period and is represented by the symbol Δ.

Relation between duty and delta


Where, Δ = Delta in meter

D = Duty in Ha/cumec

B = Base period in days

Also byjusexamprep

Where, Δ = Delta in meter

B = Base period in days

D = Duty in acre/cures

Consumptive use determination by use of equations

The following are some of the commonly used methods.

1. Penman-method

2. Blaney-Criddle method

3. Hargreaves class A pan evaporation method.

Blaney-Criddle method: Blaney-Criddle equation expresses the consumptive use in terms of temperature and day time hours. If CU is monthly consumptive use, its value is given by Cu = K.t.(inches)

Where, k = crop factor to be determined for

Each crop; its value depends upon

Certain environmental conditions

f= monthly consumptive use factor

= t×(p/100)

t = mean temperature in oF.

p = percentage of day time hours of the year, occurring during the period.

If Expressed in metric units, the above formula becomes:


Where, t = temperature in oC

Cu = monthly consumptive use in cm

Irrigation Efficiencies

(1) Water conveyance Efficiency (ηc)


where, wf = water delivered to the filed.

wr = water delivered from the reservoir.

(2) Water Application Efficiency (ηa)


Where, ws = water stored in the root Zone.

wf = water delivered to the filed.

(3) Water use Efficiency (ηu)


Where, wu = water use consumptively

wf = water delivered to the field.

(4) Water Storage Efficiency (ηs)


Where, ws’ = Actual water stored in the root Zone.

wn = water needed to store to bring the water content up to field capacity.

wn = FC – Available moisture

(5) Water Distribution Efficiency, (ηd)


Where, y = Average numerical deviation in the depth of water stored from the average depth of irrigation stored.

d = Average depth during irrigation

(6) Consumptive use Efficiency (ηcu)


Where, Wcu or Cu = Water used by plant consumptive.

wd = Net amount of water depleted from root Zone.

Irrigation Requirements of crops

(1) Consumptive irrigation requirement (CIR)

CIR = Cu - Peff

Where, Cu = total consumptive use requirement

Peff = Effective rainfall.

(2) net irrigation requirement (NIR)

NIR = CIR + Leaching requirement

(3) Field irrigation requirement (FIR)


(4) Gross irrigation requirement, (GIR)



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