CAT Verbal Ability | Vocabulary List

By Asakti|Updated : September 18th, 2017

Today's List

Root wordMeaningAssociated Words
cerebr/obraincerebral - pertaining to the brain; cerebrate - to use the brain; cerebrospinal - pertaining to the brain and the spinal cord
ascertain- to find out something with certainty; certain - being absolutely sure; certify - to state that something is true
chrom/o chromat/o, chroscolor, pigmentachromatic - without color; chromium - a blue-white metallic chemical element, chromatics - the study of color
chron/otimechronic - lasting for a long time; chronological - arranging events in time order, synchronize - happening at the same time
gold, yellow
chrysanthemum and helichrysum - golden/yellow flowers; chrysolite - a yellowish gem
cide, cisecut, killhomicide - murder; incisor - a sharp tooth for cutting food; insecticide - a chemical used to kill insects


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