Shape Up your Vocabulary from Newspaper Wordlist - 06th March 2017

By Shristi|Updated : March 6th, 2017

Good Morning Everyone..!!

We are here with your Daily dose of Challenging Wordlist. Consider the given newspaper article as a Comprehension for your exams and do answer the questions at the end.

Today’s article, 'Crossing a bridge’ has been picked from The Hindu.

 This article talks about the Indus treaty between the two countries i.e India & Pakistan. The treaty was mandated to implement the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) has met like clockwork, 112 times in 56 years, annually in each country. Also it talks about the issues and disputes on the ground over the utilisation of the waters of six rivers of the Indus system.

To read more, you can go through the article from the link below - 

Crossing a bridge

Challenging Words in the Article -

  • Fraught (भारयुक्त) - Adjective
    Meaning -
    causing or affected by anxiety or stress
    anxious, worried
    Antonyms - empty
    Example -
     Although I am not concerned about the trip through the jungle, I do know the journey will be fraught with risks.
  • Volatile (परिवर्तनशील) - Adjective
    Meaning -
    liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
     tense, strained
    Antonyms - certain, constant
    Example -
    Even though the two countries have agreed to a treaty, there is still a volatile tension between them.
  • Sincerity (सच्चाई) - Noun
    Meaning - the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy
    - honesty, integrity
    Antonyms - dishonesty, lying
    Example -
    The traveler’s sincerity was questioned when he failed to declare funds to U.S. Customs agents.
  • Retaliatory (मुंहतोड़) - Adjective
    Meaning -
    (of an action) characterized by a desire for revenge
    Synonyms - penal, punishing
    Antonyms - beneficial, rewarding
    Example -
    The country will more than likely retaliate against the sanctions with its own trade restrictions.
  • Persistence (अटलता) - Noun
    Meaning -
    the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
    Synonyms -
    resolve, resolution
    Antonyms - apathy, lethargy
    Example -
     Because of the patient’s persistence to be seen, the nurse took her back to be examined.
  • Rhetoric (वक्रपटुता) - Noun
    Meaning -
    the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques
    Synonyms - 
    expression, oratory
    Antonyms - quiet, conciseness
    Example -
    As a teenager, the best way to avoid trouble is to ignore the angry rhetoric of your peers.
  • Consensus (आम सहमति) - Noun
    Meaning -
    a general agreement
    Synonyms -
    accord, consent
    Antonyms - denial, refusal
    Example -
    The teacher asked the group to reach a consensus on who would present their data to the class.
  • Consolidate (एकीकरण) - Verb
    Meaning -
    make (something) physically stronger or more solid
    Synonyms -
    strengthen, unify
    Antonyms - decrease, discurage
    Example -
    The file cabinet allows us to consolidate our bills and important documents in one place.
  • Reaffirm (साबित करना) - Verb
    Meaning -
    state again strongly
    Synonyms -
    maintain, announce
    Antonyms - conceal, deny
    Example -
    After working for 5 years, the client allowed Sally to reaffirm her commitment to the company for another 2 years.

 Now considering the article above as a Reading Comprehension question, try to answer the following - 

  • What are the issues and disputes on the ground over the utilization of the waters?
  • Has India has done the right thing by deciding to attend the Indus Waters Treaty meet?

Given below are some words to check your vocabulary you can make sentences with those words in the comment section which will be reviewed by us.

  • Framework 
  • Mandated 
  • Implement 
  • Commitment 
  • Dispute 

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Quiz on Daily Wordlist


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