SBI/LIC-Descriptive 10

By RITIK RANJAN|Updated : June 13th, 2019

This article has been posted by a Guru

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B/5 Sector 5


New Delhi 


13 June, 2019



The editor 

The  ABC  of India 



Subject:-Increasing craze of Tik  tok short video making  app



Through  the column of your widely spread newspaper i want to draw attention of reader about concern over increasing craze of Tik tok video making app.

TikTok is a free social media app designed for creating and sharing short music videos. Developed in China, TikTok is used for creating, sharing and discovering music videos. It is like Karaoke for the digital age.Users can watch videos of others or even create their own short video clips. Young people tend to use this app to record videos of themselves lip-synching to the latest music. The videos are recorded in 15-second clips and users can add special effects before sharing them on this platform. TikTok also enables live streaming of videos via Live.Me and interaction with the audience via a chat function. Lip-syncing and dancing videos are the most popular genres on the platform. Just like Youtube, TikTok is an interactive app where you can connect with friends, comment on videos and follow other people on the platform. Some kids have gained popularity and fame using this app. 

When signing up on TikTok, user profiles are made ‘public’ by default. This means anyone can view videos that your children upload, send direct messages to them and access their location information. Popular TikTok uploads emphasize today’s top music which means that some of the lyrics may contain swearing and sexual content that is not appropriate for children.Some of the music videos have mature content that feature revealing outfits and inappropriate dance moves. Children worst hit by it .

It is advisable that parent need have keen look on their childeren not as spy but as friend and teach them what is good and bad for them. Using This app whith consent of parent and adding more security feature is needed to avoid mishaps. I also request your reader to ponder over the use of tik tok or even any other apps.

Thank You


 Yours Truly




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