Importance of Interaction in the Candidates Line

By Sajneet|Updated : July 22nd, 2020

Social Interaction is an important aspect of our daily lives and it plays a very important role in the SSB Interviews as well. Many candidates want to remain self-centered, which is not the appropriate approach. As the candidates have to perform for two days in the group, so it is very important for them to interact with other candidates in order to know their temperament. All the candidates who have an isolated existence, do not gel along very well with other candidates, which can be seen amongst them during the group tasks. 

All the candidates who like to interact with others benefit substantially. In fact, all the candidates are allowed to visit the city after the testing, wherein they are expected to go along in a group with other candidates. At times they are even being asked during the interview by their Interviewing officer, about the places they have visited with their new friends and the names of the candidates in their group or dormitory. 


During the Ground tasks, all the activities grom Group Discussion to Final Group tasks are performed together in a group. At times candidates form a preconceived misconception about the other group members, which can only be ignored by interacting with them and getting to know them. Many times candidates try to be mean or condescending towards other candidates while performing their task, which not only amongst them creates a ruffle, but also brings down their impression in front of the testing officer. 

A lot of candidates mention very high about their quality of being friendly in their psychology test and personal interview, but on the ground task, they contradict themselves, by acting ignorant and weird towards other candidates. If you are socially interactive, you will be loved and preferred by all. If you are flexible and approachable, the other candidates would love to invite you for their command task. Otherwise many times such candidates existing in isolation are being ignored by their teammates.

In the candidate’s lines, everyone has ample time to interact with each other. If nothing else the candidates can discuss some current affairs with each other or play together in the recreational room. In all the Selection centers, facilities for various outdoor games such as basketball, volleyball, badminton are available. All the candidates in the evening should enroll themselves in such activities where they would interact with other candidates and get to know them. Staying connected with each other at various platforms has always shown better results. 

“All human interactions are opportunities either to learn or to teach."- M. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist, and Author

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