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Question 1

Pentanoic acid is commonly called ________.

Question 2

Assume you have four test tubes labelled as ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’ and ‘S’. ‘P’ contains plain water, ‘Q’ contains the solution of an alkali, ‘R’ contains the solution of an acid, and ‘S’ contains the solution of sodium chloride.

Which one of the given solutions turns to phenolphthalein solution?

Question 3

During dilution of an acid, it is recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to the acid, why?

Question 4

Which one of the following gases gives acidic solution on dissolving in water?

Question 5

Consider the following statement and choose the correct answer:

1) Soda water contains carbonic and acetic acid.

2) Carboxylic acid is present in sweat from feet

3) Tamarind consists of Tartaric acid and Spinach which contain oxalic acid.

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Sep 24CDS & Defence