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Polynomials || Quantitative Aptitude || CAT 2021 || 14 May (App update required to attempt this test)

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Question 1

Given that x2018 y2017 = 1/2 and x2016 y2019 = 8, the value of x2 + y3 is

Question 2

Consider the four variables A, B, C and D and a function Z of these variables, Z = 15A2 – 3B4 + C + 0.5D It is given that A, B, C and D must be non-negative integers and thatall of the following relationships must hold:

i) 2A + B ≤ 2

ii) 4A + 2B + C ≤ 12

iii) 3A + 4B + D ≤ 15

If Z needs to be maximised, then what value must D take?

Question 3

If 16a4 + 36a2b2 + 81b4 = 77 and 4a2 + 9b2 – 6ab = 7, then what is the value of 3ab?

Question 4

Given that x+ y= 72 and xy = 8 with x > y then the value of x – y is :

Question 5

If  ; then how can we write 3x4+5x3−2x2+5x+3 = 0 in terms of y?

Question 6

Given that x8 – 47x4 + 1 = 0, x > 0. What is the value of (x3 – x–3)?

Question 7

Suppose there is a polynomial p(x) = x4 - 8x3 - px2 + qx + 16 that has positive real roots. Find pq:

Question 8

Direction: Type in value of your answer using numeric key board provided on screen.
Let p be any root, real or complex, of the equation xn + xn–1 + xn–2 + ….+ 1 = 0. Then (p2n+2 + 3)(p3n+3 – 4) equals. n is odd natural number.

Question 9

The factors of x39−x32+x17−1 is/are:

Question 10

Find the number of ordered pairs ( x2 , y) that satisfy the equation x3 + y3 + 36 xy = 1728, where x and y are positive whole numbers.
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May 14CAT & MBA